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Saturday, March 12, 2016

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Strike Up with Love

Strike UP

Strike Up Drug Free mix premium with natural herbal ingredients to enhance and support sexual response that lasts up to 24 hours per capsule.
Ancient herbs that have been used in the Orient for centuries and is now available for you and your partner to experience what thousands of people have found to be a welcome help in restoring good relations with their partners.
Strike Up works naturally in your body allowing you to get results in minutes. It is a long lasting alternative to prescription which can lead to potentially serious side effects drugs. Strike Up only works with sexual stimulation and will not cause excitement when you want. Strike Up is a proprietary blend.

  • Effect last up to 72 hours
  • No side effects
  • Use natural unforced
  • Supporting a better sex life
  • 6 capsules for sexual power and better performance
  • How it works Iaso Strike Up:
    Iaso Strike Up is an excellent dietary supplement which uses a balanced mix of different kinds of natural herbs to enhance the desire, power, and male sexual stamina.

    It naturally adapts to your body system giving the pleasant sensation of experiencing results within minutes. It also functions as an alternative long-term without side effects. Strike up only works when there is a direct sexual stimulation, why not open an erection when you do not want.
    Strike Up Iaso ingredients:
    FRUCTUS Licu FLOS caryophylli RADIX Puerariae Lobatae RADIX rehmanniae FRUCTOS Foeniculi Rhizoma POLYGONALI Cortex cinnamomi FLOS caryophylli THERE SPERM TUBEROSI Poria SEMEN SESAMI NIGURUM Herba Epimedii Rhizoma Dioscoreae Rhizoma CURCULIGIMIS

    Additional ingredients: Gelatin, rice flour, magnesium stearate, stearic acid

    Disclaimer: This information not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States. This product is not intended to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent disease.
    Total Life Changes TLC provides information posted on this website for educational and informational purposes. Also replace the advice received by health professionals, medical services not recommended. If you have a health problem, please consult your doctor.

Iaso Love

Iaso Love (For Women) drug free mix premium with natural herbal ingredients to enhance and support sexual response that lasts up to 24 hours per capsule.
Ancient herbs that have been used in the Orient for centuries and is now available for you and your partner to experience what thousands of people have found to be a welcome help in restoring good relations with their partners.
Iaso Love  works naturally in your body allowing you to get results in minutes. It is a long lasting alternative to prescription which can lead to potentially serious side effects drugs. Iaso Love only works with sexual stimulation and will not cause excitement when you want. Iaso Love is a Total Life Changes proprietary blend.

  • Effect last up to 72 hours
  • No side effects
  • Use natural unforced
  • Supporting a better sex life!
  • 6 capsules for sexual power and better performance!

    Chemical free, premium quality natural herbal ingredients to enhance sexual performance for up to 3 days per capsule.

    Fructus Licu, Flos Caryophylli, Radix Rehmaniae, Cortez Cinnamomi, Sesami Nigurum Semen, Semen Tuberosi Alli, Poria, Fructos Foeniculi, Herba Epimedii, Puerariae Lobatae Radix, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Polygonali Rhizome, Rhizoma Curculigimis.

    Also contains: Gelatin, Rice Flour, Magnesium Stearato and Stearic Acid.

Delgada Coffee

Garcinia cambogia L.

The fruit of the Garcinia cambogia (Malabar tamarind) is used by indigenous cultures since ancient times as a facilitator of digestion of high-fat meal. It is a tropical fruit of India and Africa. It belongs to the citrus family.
The dried fruit rind of Garcinia cambogia is rich in hydroxycitric acid (HCA). In 1965 Lewis and Neelakantan managed to identify and isolate. The pulp of the fruit and bark are rich in hydroxycitric acid. This acid inhibits the action of ATP-citrate lipase and partially prevents the biosynthesis of fatty acids and reduces the conversion of carbohydrates to fat. Expression increases liver glucoreceptors reducing sebum production and stimulating glycogen synthesis. This activity brings satiety and increase thermogenesis.
The hydroxycitric acid gives that extra energy to the body and improves the signaling system by which the body tells the brain that you are full. HCA (hydroxycitric acid) is the best supplement for weight loss for those who eat to fill emotional needs ie; anxiety. This is because the HCA has the same effect in foods such persons as they have it.
You do not have to take any special diet when you are taking HCA (hydroxycitric acid). You should only eat healthy, and should be able to lose weight steadily without really fighting for.
Several research laboratories have conducted a series of tests in HCA, more than any other product weight loss. HCA (hydroxycitric acid) has no side effects.

  Green Coffee Extract


Properties of green coffee diet:

  • Satisfy your appetite and helps us stay more hours without eating, allowing to make necessary throughout the day without snacking foods. It is satisfying due to its content of phenolics, chlorogenic acid and especially all our body sends signals to cease appetite.
  • Transforms fat into energy, which favor the acceleration of weight loss
  • Increased lipolytic activity responsible for regulating the fats are deposited in our white fabrics and so many twists and diets make us do.
  • It is a perfect antioxidant, which also acts reforming cells and fight aging. Especially because it contains polyphenols, which help fight the degeneration of our body.
  • Draining is what helps to eliminate cellulite by eliminating accumulated fat.


Other benefits of green coffee:

  • Green Coffee and Diabetes: The green coffee is recommended for type 2 diabetes, according to a study conducted by researcher Joe Vinson of the United Kingdom for its power to regulate the blood sugar levels.
  • Prevents Gallstones fromaciĆ³n
  • Reduces tiredness and fatigue
  • Ideal to enhance memory
Green Coffee Extract

Properties of green coffee diet:
  • Satisfy your appetite and helps us stay more hours without eating, allowing to make necessary throughout the day without snacking foods. It is satisfying due to its content of phenolics, chlorogenic acid and especially all our body sends signals to cease appetite.
  • Transforms fat into energy, which favor the acceleration of weight loss
  • Increased lipolytic activity responsible for regulating the fats are deposited in our white fabrics and so many twists and diets make us do.
  • It is a perfect antioxidant, which also acts reforming cells and fight aging. Especially because it contains polyphenols, which help fight the degeneration of our body.
  • Draining is what helps to eliminate cellulite by eliminating accumulated fat.
Other benefits of green coffee:
  • Green Coffee and Diabetes: The green coffee is recommended for type 2 diabetes, according to a study conducted by researcher Joe Vinson of the United Kingdom for its power to regulate the blood sugar levels.
  • Prevents Gallstones fromaciĆ³n
  • Reduces tiredness and fatigue
  • Ideal to enhance memory
Advantra Z (Citrus aurantium)
It is well known as a bitter orange Asian region also called "citrus aurantium" which, among other things, is used for chest and stomach ailments.

The Bitter Orange Citrus Aurantium or natural extract is a concentrate used for years in traditional Medina China to treat certain diseases, new studies identified five synergize amines very effectively for the treatment of obesity.


The first use of Citrus aurantium back to the natives of the Amazon rainforest and has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. They referred to him as "Zhi Shi" and found effective for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders (including abdominal and stomach discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting).

Weight loss

They work in three ways: burn fat, increase physical performance and increasing muscle mass.

Citrus aurantium has thermogenic properties (stimulates weight loss by burning fat) and lipolytic (increases physical performance making available fat for energy).

Citrus aurantium is regularly used by manufacturers of dietary supplements because of its weight loss properties. Contains tyramine, synephrine and octopamine, chemicals that promote the breakdown of fats, oils and lipids. Citrus aurantium compounds activate the body to eliminate the stress hormone, norepinephrine (or noradrenaline) through receptors, resulting in chemical reactions that promote fat breakdown and increase resting metabolic rate of the body.
Other Benefits

Many modern health professionals use the Citrus aurantium for previous health conditions and also use it to treat skin inflammation, muscle pain, bruising and fungal infections such as athlete's foot, jock itch and ringworm.
Children, women who are pregnant or nursing, individuals with cardiovascular disease, kidney or liver disease, glaucoma or high blood pressure are advised not to take products with Advantra Z (Citrus aurantium).